Monday, August 27, 2012

Dr. Math!

As we mentioned in our previous post, several educators from Austin Elementary participated in multiple professional learning events over the summer.
A few teachers that went to Confratute at the University of Connecticut in July chose to attend a strand of sessions with Dr. Rachel McAnallan (a.k.a. Dr. Math).  Below is a reflection from May Voltz (3rd grade) on her experience with Dr. Math!

(Dr. Math & The Austin Crew)

Engaging!! Inspiring!! Tactile Learning!!! What do these words have in common?  Dr. Rachel McAnallan, aka Dr. Math.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Welcome Back!

To say that it has been an eventful summer for Austin teachers would be an understatement!  The professional learning began almost the minute school was let out and has continued up until school begins next week. 

Here are a few of the professional learning opportunities in which our educators participated this summer-
  • CISD's Best Day Ever Summer Conference
  • The Leadership Development Process through Learning Forward Texas
  • Great Expectations
  • Confratute (pictured above)
  • The International Congress on Math Education
  • Learning @ Lovejoy featuring Dr. Carol Dweck (author of Mindset)
  • CISD's Principal Academy
As we begin the school year, we look forward to featuring a few reflections by guest bloggers from these learning experiences.

With a new school year comes new faces.  We are excited to welcome 8 new educators to our Austin family!  Each of these new educators is ready to join in and play a part in our transformation to a 21st century learning environment.  Help us in welcoming them to Austin!