If you've followed us for any length of time, you know that Austin Elementary is on a journey to implement the Schoolwide Enrichement Model (SEM). You also know that as a district, we are digging deep ("soaking") into the CISD Learning Framework. Additionally, each campus has been charged with selecting a learning design model (UbD or PBL). Austin Elementary has selected Project Based Learning because of how closely it aligns with SEM Enrichment Clusters. Put all of this together, and you have somewhat of a PD melting pot.
With that in mind, we set out to design a meaningful learning experience for our educators that (hopefully) can kill three PD birds (SEM, Learning Framework, and PBL) with one stone. Thus, our Austin educator PBL unit was born! If done correctly, this educator PBL unit could help strengthen our understanding of the relationship between SEM and the CISD Learning Framework, AND provide the opportunity for our educators to actually experience a PBL unit as we go through the training.